How to add variations to your products

In this article we'll guide you through the process of adding product variations to your webshop.

Product variations allow you to offer different options of a product without creating a separate listing. This is useful, for instance, when you want to include size or colour choices, or adjust the price for different variations.

  1. In the website editor select the 'Webshop' tab.
  2. Click on the 'Products' section.
  3. In the 'Product' section you'll have access to two methods for adding variations:
    • By creating a new product:
      • Click the 'Add a product' button
    • By finding the product you wish to add variations to:
      • Click the 3 dots and then 'Edit product'.
  4. Click on the 'Variation' tab and then select the 'Add variation' button.
  5. A dropdown menu will appear listing the Product variation types you can choose from.
  6. Choose the desired product variation type and fill the relevant details in.
    • Variation title: Give a name to the variation to differentiate it from the original product. e.g. XL muffins or Chocolate muffins instead of muffins.
    • Variation guidance: Here you can give a short description of the product variation.
    • Stock controlled variation: Enabling stock variation means that you'll be able to control the variation stock separately from the original product.
    • Variation price options: You can change the price of the variation using different options:
      • How price should change: Give a different price to the variation.
      • Do not alter price: The price of the variation will remain the same.
      • Increase unit price by: Increase the price of the variation by the inputed number.
      • Decrease unit price by: Decrease the price of the variation by the inputed number.
  7. Finish the process by clicking on the "Add variation" button.

  • To update a variation, click on the variation you wish to edit.
  • To remove a variation, find the the variation you wish to remove, click on the three dots then 'Remove' and confirm.
  • It's not possible to edit a variation type. If you'd like to change the type of an existing variation you'll have to create a new one and delete the old variation.